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Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation

From now on first Monday of every month at 11am!

News vom 24.01.2024

We are excited to announce that, starting in 2024, the Diversity Journal Club is teaming up with colleagues from the BIH QUEST Center to expand our discussion within a new Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS).

Every month, the Journal Club will meet to critically discuss relevant literature on RRI and diversity, paying particular attention to how these topics intersect, and the role of research assessment and its reform. The aim is to provide participants with a sound knowledge of RRI and diversity by engaging with relevant evidence and concepts.

The Journal Club takes place online on the first Monday of every month at 11 am (CET). Participation is possible on a regular basis, but also occasionally. You can log in via the following link or with the access data:


Meeting-ID: 957 6165 3396 , Kenncode: 487086

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