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Love Methods Week

"Love Methods Week" from January 29th to February 2nd , organized by the QUEST Center at the BIH.

News vom 11.01.2024

Get ready for the groundbreaking inaugural "Love Methods Week" from January 29th to February 2nd , organized by the QUEST Center if the BIH. Join us for a series of webinars and workshops to discover the significance of methods in research and their pivotal role in fostering transparency and reproducibility.

Why methods, you ask?

  1. Valuable Outputs: Researchers often overlook that methods are frequently cited and reused, making them equally, if not more, critical than the data itself
  2. Foundation of Reproducibility: Reproducibility hinges on clear, detailed description of methods. Without understanding the methodology, replicating research becomes challenging.
  3. Facilitating Responsible Reuse: To responsibly reuse open or FAIR data, understanding the generation process through shared methods is indispensable.

Join us for Love Methods to elevate your research methodology skills:

  • If you are in Berlin, you get the most out of our 3 in-person sessions: 1. Protocol depositing and chili drop-in session, 2 the art of peer reviewing methods sections, 3. Tips for writing a methods or protocol article
  • For everyone: Participate in many hands-on virtual workshops, webinars provided by us and other supporters.

Enrich your research journey and empower others by sharing open, reusable methods. Join the  #LoveMethods24 to be part of this transformative experience!

Full schedule and registration under https://www.bihealth.org/de/aktuell/love-methods-week

Contact person

René Bernard, Ph.D.

Coordinator for Value and Open Science

Excellenzcluster NeuroCure

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin 

NWFZ | Level 1, Room 01 020

Charitéplatz 1 │ 10117 Berlin

Internal address: Hufelandweg 14


 Tel.: +49 30 450 539 706

Fax: +49 30 450 450 7539706

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