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“COMPLAINT”: Diversity and Other Hostile Environments

10.02.2022 | 18:00 - 20:00

Vortragsreihe „Critical Diversity and Gender Studies in the 21st Century“

Im Rahmen der „Audre Lorde-BUA-Guestprofessorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies” des Diversity and Gender Equality Networks DiGENet wird die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin und Geschlechterforscherin Professorin Maisha M. Auma in diesem Wintersemester Themen rund um Diversität in Wissenschaftsinstitutionen, Inklusion und Intersektionalität kritisch und aus transnationalen Perspektiven beleuchten.

“COMPLAINT”: Diversity and Other Hostile Environments.
Prof. Sara Ahmed
Chair: Prof. Maisha M. Auma

Die Vortragsreihe wird online via Zoom stattfinden:
Webinar-ID: 638 8454 9808
Code: 511663


In Kooperation mit dem Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE)

Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch


In my recent book Complaint! I draw on testimonies shared by academics and students who have made complaints about abuses of power such as harassment or bullying or unequal working conditions in universities. In this lecture I reflect back on the book by asking what it means to be after complaint. As one of the participants in my study describes, some complaints “never leave you”. In this lecture I will focus on the temporality of complaint, how to complain is to go back over what is not over, as well as on the immanence of complaint, how complaints about hostile environments are made in hostile environments. What does these arguments mean for the research itself, where it can go, and what it can do? I will draw on data that I was not able to include in the book on the afterlives of complaints and will reflect on some of my experiences, as a woman of colour scholar, of doing and sharing this research.


  • Diversity