International workshop as part of the OXBER-funded project “Context-driven Infection Control Interventions" (CoDe-ICI)
The participants of the workshop in the project „Context-driven Infection Control Interventions”
Image Credit: Dr. Carolin Hackmann
As part of the "Context-driven Infection Control Interventions" project funded by the Oxford Berlin Research Cooperation to promote infection prevention interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LNME), a network meeting of the participating hospitals took place on October 19 and 20, 2023 at the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin.
News from Dec 08, 2023
A total of 85 participants from seven African, Asian and European countries, including Nigeria, Iran, India, Egypt, Rwanda, the UK and Germany, took part in the event.
The event was divided into two parts. On the first day, a participatory approach was used to jointly develop urgent problems and possible solutions for infection prevention in LNME hospitals. A major focus was on allowing each participant to have their say, regardless of any cultural or hierarchical limitations, and then evaluating and weighting the respective problems and solutions.
The event was divided into two parts. On the first day, a participatory approach was used to jointly develop urgent problems and possible solutions for infection prevention in LNME hospitals. A major focus was on allowing each participant to have their say, regardless of any cultural or hierarchical limitations, and then evaluating and weighting the respective problems and solutions.
On the second day, contributions on the history and orientation of the health system in Nigeria, success stories of infection prevention in LNME and novel methods with potential for infection prevention interventions such as probiotics as cleaning agents, telemedicine or the utilization of artificial intelligence for future cooperation were evaluated.
The workshop and in particular the group work were evaluated positively throughout and have helped to strengthen the network and prepare follow-up applications.
Questions, comments or suggestions can be sent to the CoDe-ICI team at