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Participatory Research Map shows BUA research activities


Bildquelle: Andrej Loll

To increase the visibility of participatory research within the Berlin University Alliance (BUA), the Laboratory for Transdisciplinary Research (TD-Lab) and the BUA-funded project ‘Open Science Magnifiers’ and is currently working on a Participatory Research Map that will offer an overview of ongoing and completed participatory projects within the BUA.

Join the BUA participatory research community and get visible

What do we mean by Participatory Research?

Participatory research encompasses a wide range of activities at multiple levels, in which the public participates in science. By collaborating with non-scientific actors, the research process becomes more accessible and inclusive, and thus contributes to the generation of new scientific knowledge as well as solutions for societal challenges.

The Participatory Research Map aims to:

  • promote participatory research projects amongst different stakeholders
  • showcase the inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration networks within the BUA
  • facilitate knowledge exchange amongst BUA partners and external stakeholders
  • build new collaboration networks and facilitate the engagement in future participatory research projects

What is your added value to participate?

Participatory projects are very complex and require a wide range of skills. However, they are often overlooked in the scientific system. With the map we want to create visibility: for you as a researcher as well as for your research output. Join the BUA participatory research community!

How do you become visible with your participatory research?

Take part in our survey: https://quest-participatory-research.charite.de/index.php/656726?lang=en

By completing the following survey, your project will be included in the Participatory Research Map. The Participatory Research Map is planned to go live in the first quarter of 2025. Taking part in the survey will take approximately 20 minutes of your time.


We are happy to answer your questions: participatory-research@berlin-university-alliance.de