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Playful Inclusion, From the Shelter to the City

Saba Barani, Technische Universität Berlin, Architektur


How can we develop more inclusive approaches to generate socio-spatial knowledge for building more inclusive cities? In our co-learning research group, we want to adopt critical feminist perspective and use the innovative approach of performing socio-spatial research via games. Through games we will discuss and collect the experiences and needs of children in Refugee Camp and its neighborhood in Berlin-Marzahn. Our co-learning research has collaborative methodology. Students as co-researchers will engage in literature reviews and critical discussions within the group and also with activists and collectives to collaboratively form the theoretical framework of the research. Additionally, students in collaboration with children and camp workers will design and perform socio-spatial games, write field notes, conduct interviews and finally analyze their findings in the group and make their final posters to collaboratively and playfully produce knowledge and include unheard voices in the building more inclusive environment discourse. The project is interdisciplinary and open to motivated bachelor's and master's students with a background or interest in architecture, urban planning, social sciences and students from related fields who are interested in getting engaged in such co-learning socio-spatial research project which will be done through games. We strongly encourage students with diverse backgrounds, languages, and ethnicities to participate in this course.



Link to the course catalog
