Kirchliche Amtshilfe? Die Kirchenbuchstelle Alt-Berlin und der Holocaust
Leiter: Philipp Dinkelaker, Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technische Universität Berlin; Johannes Kellner und Johan Wagner, Ev. Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schles. Oberlausitz; Institutionelle Anbindung der X-Student Research Group: Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technische Universität Berlin
The Protestant Church was a child of its time during the Nazi era. Some Protestants resisted, but many participated in the persecution of minorities. The project is about the church registry in Alt-Berlin. Churchmen created a church "Judenkartei" here and reported "non-Aryan" Christians to the Gestapo - a preliminary step to deportation. While the Gestapo destroyed their files, some 2,600 index cards of persecuted Christians have survived in the Ev. Landeskirchliches Archiv in Berlin (ELAB). The research group is to investigate what exactly happened to the people recorded. Archive research and work with primary sources are often neglected in everyday university life. These techniques, which are important for later careers, are to be practiced in a practice-oriented manner. Results can be published as blog posts, for example, in order to practice scientific writing.