Dr. Viktor Scholz (formerly Ullmann)

Berlin University Alliance
Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value
Scientific Coordinator Research Quality
Viktor Scholz received his doctorate in 2021 after completing his PhD in Islamic Studies at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies with a cultural studies classification of the presentation of Iranian films at the Berlinale. Subsequently, he has been working together with project leader Dr. Simona Olivieri at Freie Universität in the BUA-funded project "OBUA - Ombudswesen@BUA" (2021-23), which develops and implements new models for professionalizing ombuds systems in the Berlin research landscape, e.g. workshops and a Toolbox.
Viktor Scholz joined the team of Objective 3 of the Berlin University Alliance as scientific coordinator for research quality in February 2023 and, in cooperation with Objective 4, develops teaching formats for good research practice.