Research and Monitoring for Open Science
Since 2020, the Berlin University Alliance has been funding projects that examine various aspects of open science and participate in monitoring open science developments in the alliance partners and the Berlin research area. This overview provides insights into completed and ongoing projects.
Research on and monitoring of Open Science is a mandate for the Center for Open and Responsible Research. In this sense, the Center has been funding targeted research and implementation projects since 2020, the results of which either benefit individual or several research communities (e.g. Open Make, Closing the Gap, Berlin Open Science Platform) or provide an overall overview for Berlin and beyond (e.g. Dashboards, Berlin Science Survey, MapOSR). The results of the projects are also incorporated into the design of the framework conditions for open science in the Berlin research area (e.g. Berlin Open Research and Culture). The information on this page offers an initial overview and provides contact details for the project leaders.