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Open Science-Stammtisch Berlin

At the monthly regulars' table, scientists and administrators from Berlin and Brandenburg university and research institutions meet to exchange ideas and network.

The Open Science-Stammtisch (regulars' table) is a regular event and primarily addresses people from the Berlin and Brandenburg research and university teaching area who are involved with Open Science as science managers, users or funders and who create the framework conditions for open research practices at their institutions. The Stammtisch was until recently moderated by Maxi Kindling, Maike Neufend (both OABB) and Stefan Skupien (BUA). It was launched in 2020 by Svenja Rühland (formerly of the Stifterverband). Participants come from the publishing houses, the Stifterverband, the Leibniz Association, the BBAW, Berlin universities, the Berlin Institute of Health, the Weizenbaum Institute, and other institutions.

The Stammtisch takes place every first Thursday from 7:00 PM in Neukölln (near Hermannplatz). If you are interested, you can subscribe to a mailing-list (link) to be informed about guests and topics of the meetings in advance.

As part of the Stammtisch, we always invite experts whose topics sharpen our understanding of the complex topic of openness in research and teaching and sensitize us to various aspects. At the same time, we use the regulars' table to inform ourselves about activities from our institutions and to create synergies.

Among our guests for input so far have been:

- Prof. Dr. Michelle Christensen (TU Berlin/Einstein Center Digital Future)

- Martin Delius (Berliner Senatsverwaltung)

- Clemens Blümel (DZHW) und Eva Marie Plonske (Bündnis 90/Die Grüne)

- Theresa Bärwolff und Malte Dreyer (SUB Göttingen)

- Dr. Luiza Bengtsson (ORION Open Science Podcast, Max Delbrück Center)

- Dr. Silke Voigt-Heucke (Museum für Naturkunde)

- Dr. Miriam Kip (Berlin Institute of Health)

- Dr. Denise Lüdtke (Robert K. Merton-Institut, HU Berlin)

- Prof. Dr. Bianca Herlo (Weizenbaum Instititut/UdK)

- Betül Özdemir (Open Data-Beauftragte der Senatsverwaltung Inneres, Digitalisierung und Sport)

- Dr. Dennis Mischke (Ada Lovelace Center for Digital Humanities, FU Berlin)

- Alexander Struck (Chief Information Officer & Lead IT-Team, Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)