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Responsible Indicators. Status Quo Survey on the different models of performance-oriented funding (LOM) in research within the institutions of the Berlin University Alliance

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, QUEST, Principal Investigator: Dr. Miriam Kip, Project Staff: Natascha Kostial, Duration: 07/2020-12/2022

The area of "Responsible Indicators" includes the description of different models of performance-oriented funding (LOM) among the institutions of the Berlin Unviersity Alliance. LOM was introduced as a competitive incentive at universities and is a key steering element for universities to efficiently promote high-performing areas in the face of limited resources. This project will examine the status quo of LOM within BUA and its institutions. One goal is to present the existing models and interpretations, which may vary from institution to institution, as well as present them in a discipline-specific and institution-wide manner. The characterization of the status quo will form the basis for a critical examination of control performance and possible secondary effects. In the future, attempts will be made to use the control elements for quality improvement in research. From the point of view of the institutions and the state, the mapping of LOM is an essential building block for fulfilling their role with regard to the responsibility for quality improvement in research.

For more information, (intermediate) results, and publications, please see the project's website.