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OBUA – Ombudswesen at BUA

Freie Universität Berlin, Principal Investigator: Dr. Simona Olivieri, Project Staff: Viktor Ullmann, Duration: 10/2021-11/2023

The project takes up the needs formulated by the ombudspersons in a previous project to support their work and develops a concept that goes beyond a mere training program by promoting professional exchange and networking among the ombudspersons by establishing a communication and exchange platform in addition to organizing training workshops (for example, case training, use of digital tools, mediation). In addition, regular exchange with the institutions of the Berlin University Alliance partners is sought in order to identify potential for joint processes, procedures and infrastructures. The OBUA - Ombudswesen@BUA project will be conducted as part of a meta-research effort to further advance research on the methods, evaluation, and sustainability of ombudswesen.