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How Registered Reports can lead to better science and less stress

Oct 24, 2022 | 02:00 PM c.t. - 04:00 PM

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford) in the framework of the lecture series Open Science and Research Qality.

Lecture series in the winter semester 2022-23, jointly organized by the Berlin University Alliance and its focus area Advancing Research Quality and Value, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and the Robert K. Merton Center for the Study of Science.

 The lecture series began on October 17, 2022 and will take place every Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. (c.t.). The lecture by Dorothy Bishop will be in English and delivered in a digital format (access link below). The discussant for this session will be Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl (Berlin Institute of Health @ Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin).

Please see the program for further details of the event and also check the Berlin University Alliance's Objectivel 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value website for further announcements.

  • Venue

Sessions in Presence:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Hauptgebäude, 2. Stock, Hörsaal 3038


Attention! New Link for Sessions in digital or hybrid format:


 Meeting ID: 694 1426 5610


One tap mobile

+496950502596,,69414265610# Germany

+496971049922,,69414265610# Germany



Not only since the pandemic has there been a consensus in science and society that research must meet the highest scientific standards. Science should produce valid research results and inform society and politics. This results in a whole range of requirements for modern "good" science. At the same time, the understanding of what constitutes good science can vary. Accessibility and transparency, traceability and verifiability, interdisciplinarity, and inclusion of non-academic actors are widely accepted as general characteristics in this context. How these criteria can be implemented in each specific field, on the other hand, is not always clear. While the question of sustainable improvement of research quality and the implementation of measures within the framework of the Open Science movement is already extensively discussed in some disciplines and good practice examples already exist in large numbers (e.g., in the life sciences), concrete recommendations for action in other disciplines can be searched for in vain (e.g., humanities). The variance of the different disciplines, the demand for more uniform standards in science and the related problems will be discussed in this event with different international speakers. The theoretical discussion will be framed by concrete "good practice" examples from different disciplines.

The lecture is aimed at students of the MA program in Science Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and is open to Master's and PhD students of all disciplines and institutions of the Berlin University Alliance. The event is also open to an interested (professional) audience. Sessions of the lecture series are held in German and English.