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Graduate Studies Support Program

Excellent trainings for doctoral researchers!

The goal of the Berlin University Alliance is to improve the conditions for all doctoral candidates at the four partner institutions (FU, HU, TU, Charité). The BUA Graduate Studies Support Program offers a rich portfolio of skills and career development training. It is open to all doctoral researchers within Berlin University Alliance.

Core Events

Kick Off Your Doctorate Retreat

Three-day retreat for new doctoral researchers

Module "Kick Off".

(In)Credible Research Conference

Interdisciplinary conference on good research and research integrity
Module “Good Science”

Writing Week

Workshops and writing groups to support doctoral researchers structure their writing process
Module “Academic Writing”

Mental Health Days: Happiness Ahoy

Blended learning event, starting with a two-day retreat, to improve resilience and mental health
Module “Mental Health”

Career Day

One-day event to provide insights and counseling on academic and non-academic careers
Module “Career”