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Job Shadowing Program

Your insight into attractive professional fields

In the BUA Postdoc Academy Job Shadowing Program, you "shadow" a leading personality (host) in science or a science-related environment for about one week during their daily work routine. As a Job Shadowee, you do not normally work. Rather, it is about “looking over your host’s shoulder” in his or her daily work to gain a realistic insight into the tasks and processes involved.

The BUA Postdoc Academy Job Shadowing Program offers you the unique opportunity to gain professional experience outside of your own work context and to get to know, in a realistic way, attractive job profiles and career paths in science, science management, and science-related environments. Job shadowing can help you to explore interesting career fields, to establish contacts and to make competency-based decisions about your professional future.

Contributing organizations and positions

For the BUA Postdoc Academy Job Shadowing Program, we were able to recruit professionally experienced and distinguished individuals from science, science management and science-related environments. For example:

• University professors

• Presidential Board Members

• Institute directors

• Managing directors

• Managers of research infrastructures

• Scientists in permanent positions in core facilities

• Senior science managers in relevant science-related institutions in Berlin

Job Shadowing Week

The Job Shadowing Week can be freely structured in consultation with your host. If you are particularly interested in a specific topic or area of responsibility, be sure to mention this during the preliminary meeting. Usually, as a job shadowee, you do not work on the job, but only observe your host. However, short training tasks can also be assigned by arrangement. The focus is on experiencing your host in their everyday work. The job shadowing ends with a final meeting, which offers a good opportunity to clarify open questions, receive feedback and explore whether you would like to stay in contact.