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Information for Internationals

Welcome to Berlin, dear international postdocs, and welcome to the Postdoc Academy!

Here we have compiled information that may be relevant to you in terms of research organization, specific English-language offers, and other opportunities. The BUA member universities each have a program and/or specific international offices that provide a variety of information, addresses, and community events.

The Postdoc Academy is proud to offer most of its programs in English, especially the Postdoc School, which includes workshops, coaching, and other formats. Of course, all of our larger events, such as the networking events, are also held in English.


Freie Universität Berlin, office of the Division of International Affairs:

International • Freie Universität Berlin (fu-berlin.de)

Technische Universität Berlin, information for internationals:

International Students


Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Welcome Center:

International: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (charite.de)

Welcome Center: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (charite.de)

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, from abroad:

From Abroad — HU International (hu-berlin.de)

Academics — HU International (hu-berlin.de)


If you are coming to Berlin because you have experienced persecution, discrimination, or other hardships, you can apply to our Postdocs at Risk (PAR) program. The PAR program is specifically designed for postdocs who can benefit from certain services, such as German language courses, personal coaching, or a community that shares some of the difficult experiences in their various home countries.

The BUA universities also offer services for refugees. See the links below:

Freie Universität Berlin, information for refugees:

Academic Offerings and Services for Refugees • Freie Universität Berlin (fu-berlin.de)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, information for refugees:

Refugees Welcome at HU — HU International (hu-berlin.de)