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Science communication is one of the three central pillars of the Berlin University Alliance's Knowledge Exchange strategy. The excellence alliance has set itself the goal of allowing societal stakeholders to participate more intensively in the research process, increasing the credibility of research, and facilitating free access to research results.

Innovative science communication needs a space to develop and test new and collaborative formats and projects. Three formats are being tested in the excellence alliance.

“Experimental science communication laboratories” fund alliance projects that develop and implement new ideas for interactive and participatory communication. On the YouTube channel "WissenAusBerlin" scientists from the partner institutions present their findings and methods, thereby gaining experience in dealing with new media and target groups. The project “Orte der Wissenschaft [Venue for science]” supports and develops communicative science events in Berlin.

Experimental science communication laboratories

Since April 2021, six alliance projects have been funded as "experimental science communication laboratories". In the interdisciplinary projects, innovative ideas for science communication are developed and tested, for example, using theater or gaming methods. The focus is on a new form of science communication, in which not only is knowledge communicated to society, but science gains new perspectives through society.


How do I tell people who are not scientists themselves about my research? What messages should be communicated? What do I get back from society?

The YouTube channel "WissenAusBerlin" gives scientists the opportunity to present formats, concepts, content and, above all, themselves with short contributions in front of the camera. Own ideas and crazy suggestions are welcome.

Implementation options are developed in a joint editorial phase.

Topics and questions from all disciplines and research areas that are being worked on by researchers from the partner institutions will be presented. Special attention is paid to the BUA-funded projects and structures, as well as to the Berlin Clusters of Excellence.

What influence does living in the city have on its residents? What can robots learn from parrots? Does social distancing really promote depression? These and many other questions are discussed on the channel. Viewers are invited to participate with comments and suggestions.

Orte der Wissenschaft [Venue for science]

Berlin research, in particular the results of the Grand Challenge Initiatives, are to be presented in established public institutions alongside the project. In local cooperations, for example for shared research infrastructure, the exchange with partners not affiliated with academia is to be intensified to reach a broad audience.

Moreover, scientific perspectives and methods are combined with topics relevant to practice and everyday life in temporary so-called pop-up labs in public spaces and presented to a broad, local audience. For a short time, neighborhood venues provide an easy way to meet and discuss.