Professor Beate Kampmann MD PhD FRCPCH FMedSci
Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Image Credit: Aleix Cabrera/Barcelona Institute of Global Health (IGS)
Prof. Dr. Lucia Ruprecht
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Humanities)
Freie Universität Berlin
Image Credit: Sandra Kühnapfel
Prof. Dr. Christine Gerrard
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Humanities)
University of Oxford
Image Credit: University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. Karen Leeder
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Humanities)
University of Oxford
Image Credit: University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. Claudia Langenberg
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Medical Sciences)
Berlin Institute of Health at Charité
Image Credit: BIH/T.Rafalzyk
Prof. Dr. Alastair Buchan
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Medical Sciences)
University of Oxford
Image Credit: Quentin Colllier
Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Social Sciences)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Image Credit: Sarah Johanna Eick
Prof. Dr. Petra Schleiter
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Social Sciences)
University of Oxford
Image Credit: University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. Heather Viles
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (Social Sciences)
University of Oxford
Image Credit: University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. Peter Neubauer
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (STEM)
Technische Universität Berlin
Image Credit: privat
Prof. Dr. Moritz Riede
Vice Academic Director of the Oxford Berlin Research Partnership (STEM)
University of Oxford
Image Credit: University of Oxford