Monday 30 September
14:00-15:30 Networks and Networking
The Barn, St John’s College
Chair: Nicholas Cronk (French/Voltaire Foundation, Oxford)
- Daniel Zimmer (German, HU): Enlightenment at Court. Anglo-German Relations
- Catriona Seth (French, Oxford): Personal Correspondences
- Martin Urmann (French, FU): Prize Contests as Media of Knowledge in the French
- Academies from 1670
- Howard Hotson (History, Oxford): Prospects for Networking the Republic of Letters
16:00-18:00 Writing the Enlightenment(s): a roundtable discussion
St John’s College Auditorium, Garden Quad
Chair: Karen O’Brien (Head of Humanities, Oxford)
- Steffen Martus (German, HU) Stefanie Stockhorst (German, Potsdam)
- Ritchie Robertson (German, Oxford)
- Andrew Kahn (Russian, Oxford)
This event will be in English and German
18:15 Drinks Reception
St John’s College Auditorium, Garden Quad
Tuesday 1 October
9:00-10:30 Genres and Media
The Barn, St John’s College
Chair: Kathryn Murphy (English, Oxford)
- Anita Traninger (French, FU): Competing Communities: Debating the Enlightenment
- Roman Kuhn (French, FU): Enlightening Classicism: Generic and Temporal
- Hybridisations?
- Friederike Günther (German, FU): Competition between image and sound in the early
- 18th century
- Claudia Olk (English, LMU): Shakespeare in eighteenth-century German Criticism
11:00-12:30 Critique & Controversy
The Barn, St John’s College
Chair: Avi Lifschitz (History, Oxford)
- Brian Young (History, Oxford): Christians and Unbelievers in Enlightenment England
- Stefan Willer (German, HU), Enlightened Eschatology
- Kevin Hilliard (German, Oxford), Polemical Theology (Pro and Contra)
- Caroline Warman (French, Oxford): Diderot's Eléments de physiologie between
- physiology and philosophy
- Matthias Pohlig (History, HU): Apocalypticism and Enlightenment
15:00-16:30 Practices of Enlightenments I
The Barn, St John’s College
Chair: Barry Murnane (German, Oxford)
- Mark-Georg Dehrmann (German, HU): Enlightening the Arts and Crafts: The Example
- of Printers’ Manuals
- Stefanie Stockhorst (German, Potsdam): Equitation for the Public Sphere: Disclosure
- and Concealment of Practical Knowledge in 18th-Century Riding Manuals
- Steffen Martus/Charlotte Kurbjuhn (German, HU): Doing Aesthetics
- David Taylor (English, Oxford): Visual Thinking and Thinking the Visual in Eighteenth-Century Theatre
17:00-18:30 Practices of Enlightenment II
The Barn, St John’s College
Chair: Barry Murnane (German, Oxford)
- Erica Charters (History, Oxford): War, Knowledge, and Enlightenment
- Giora Sternberg (History, Oxford): Writing Acts: The Power of Writing in the Ancien Régime
- Helga Schwalm (English, HU): Embedded Lives: Enlightenment Dictionaries, Small Biographies in Interaction, and Biographical Knowledge
- Marie-Theres Federhofer (Scandinavian, HU), Patient’s Participation: Illness Narratives and Medical Knowledge
Wednesday 2 October
9:00-10:30 Legacies of Enlightenment
The Barn, St John’s College
Chair: Howard Hotson (History, Oxford)
- Paul Lodge (Philosophy, Oxford): Leibniz’s Philosophy as a Way of Life?
- Ritchie Robertson (German, Oxford): Representative or Revolutionary Democracy: Madison or Paine?
- Jessica Goodman (French, Oxford): Self-Projection in Mercier’s l’An 2440
- Nicholas Cronk (French/Voltaire Foundation, Oxford): Digitizing Enlightenment
FU: Freie Universität, Berlin
HU: Humboldt-Universität, Berlin
Generously supported and hosted by:
- The Oxford-Berlin Partnership
- TORCH: The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
- The Voltaire Foundation, Oxford
- St John’s College, Oxford