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List of Projects Funded following the „Special Call: Pandemic Research“

App-basiertes Online-Monitoring von sozialem Zusammenhalt und psychischer Gesundheit während der SARS-CoV2-Pandemie

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Adli (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

  • Website
  • Projektvorstellung auf dem YouTube-Kanal „WissenAusBerlin“
  • Broschüre „Das CovSocial Projekt. Wie haben sich die Menschen in Berlin während der COVID-19-Pandemie gefühlt?“ / Pressemitteilung
  • Silveira, S. J.; Hecht, M.; Matthäus, H.; Adli, M.; Voelkle, M. C. & Singer, T. (2022): Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceived Changes in Psychological Vulnerability, Resilience and Social Cohesion before, during and after Lockdown. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6).
  • Silveira, S. J.; Hecht, M.; Adli, M.; Voelkle, M. & Singer, T. (2022): Exploring the Structure and Interrelations of Time-Stable Psychological Resilience, Psychological Vulnerability, and Social Cohesion. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
  • Godara, M.; Silveira, S.; Matthäus, H.; Heim, C.; Voelkle, M.; Hecht, M.; ... & Singer, T. (2021): Investigating differential effects of socio-emotional and mindfulness-based online interventions on mental health, resilience and social capacities during the COVID-19 pandemic: The study protocol. PloS one, 16(11), e0256323.

Depression and Cohesion in COVID19 pandemic times (DESCOCO)

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. Malek Bajbouj (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Main research question of the DESCOCO study is whether the threat of and interventions against the current COVID-19 pandemic will lead to increased level of emotional distress and changes in parameters of social cohesion in vulnerable populations. To address this research question, the DESCOCO project aims at investigating depression and social cohesion related parameter in three preexisting cohorts with patients with affective disorders and individuals with autism spectrum conditions.

Getting things done in a City on hold. How SARS-COV-2 affected Practices of Urban Care

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. Talja Blokland-Potters (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Anyone who ever went to a place with no plan to get a reference for a divorce lawyer, a reliable car repair person, information of a new film to watch, or a useful suggestion how to deal with a badly sleeping baby knows: support happens sometimes because we seek it, but may also emerge as the side effect of something else. What, then, when we cannot go to our favorite places and meet people like we usually do, as under COVID19 restrictions? This project measures lockdown effects on sociability and (trans)local networks by a big on-line survey for residents of Berlin. It especially asks: How did the flächendeckend responses to SARS-COV-2 work out in a city that is a Flickenteppich? Did they produce new inequalities and could these be avoided in the future?


Soziale Kohäsion in Krisenzeiten – Die Corona-Pandemie und anti-asiatischer Rassismus in Deutschland

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

This project analyses how the Corona pandemia relates to racism towards people that are perceived as Asian in Germany. We rely on a mixed-method design that combines a quantitative survey with experimental features and a qualitative diary study. We focus on specific causal explanations for racist stances among the general population as well as on the consequences of discriminatory experiences among those that are perceived as Asian.

Potenziale der Zivilgesellschaft – Solidarisches Verhalten bei der Krisenbewältigung

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. Swen Hutter (Freie Universität Berlin)

The SolZiv project analyzes the extent and conditions of acts of solidarity in civil society during the Corona pandemic. On the one hand, there is an enormous need for solidarity and help; on the other hand, contact bans complicate classical forms of engagement. How does civil society resolve this dilemma?

Cognitive and behavioural coping strategies among people at higher risk of COVID-19-pandemic-related distress

Lead Applicant: Dr. Shuyan Liu (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

This study aims to deepen our understanding of stress and relaxation behaviour in everyday life, including providing mechanistic insights. Stress and relaxation can affect our everyday life. The degrees of effect can vary from person to person and depending on the situation. The team investigates the contextual modulation of physiological and psychological responses triggered by extreme environmental situations (e.g. a global pandemic).


Eine Längsschnittstudie zu interindividuellen Unterschieden in Wohlbefinden und Compliance während der Corona-Krise

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. Patrick Mussel (Freie Universität Berlin)

The planed study investigates interindividual differences in experiences and behavior during the corona crisis. We focus on individual well-being as important indicator of experiences and compliance - the extent that individuals stick to rules such as social distancing - as indicator of behavior. In a longitudinal study, indicators of personality obtained prior to the crisis will be investigated as predictors of experiences and behavior as well as and their influence on the development of personality.

Solidarität mit Solo-Selbständigen_ Ambivalenzen der Soforthilfen

Lead Applicant: Dr. Isabell Stamm (Technische Universität Berlin)

Solo self-employed, i.e. self-employed persons without employees, are given special priority in the course of the emergency aid programms introduced by state and federal governments to support the German economy in times of the Corona pandemic. However, both the imposition of this programm and its use are ambivalent with regard to the social acceptance of the political measure, as well as for the self-employed as a social group. In this qualitative research project, we investigate precisely these ambivalences from an internal and external perspective and in this way identify societal conditions for the acceptance of aid for specific groups, thus contributing to the socially acceptable management of future crises.


Raumpolitiken in Zeiten der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie

Lead Applicant: Prof. Dr. Jörg Stollmann (Technische Universität Berlin)

The project aims to explore alternative ways of reacting to the current pandemic by investigating spatial-political practices and their emotional engagement. It compares different logics of action at the level of the state, institutional organizations and everyday life with two contrastive cases of South Korea and Germany. Through an interdisciplinary approach combining communication studies and architecture/urban design, the research focuses on practices and emotional experiences in both physical and digital spaces.

Social Distancing und neue Raumformen der Interaktion

Lead Applicant: Dr. René Tuma (Technische Universität Berlin)

This project is using videographic methods to document the new spatial and interaction forms of "social distancing". The aim is to enhance the understanding of complex, culturally and situationally organized dynamics of public encounters in their relation to processes of infection and hygiene measures. The study collects data from relevant everyday situations in public spaces in different regions of germany in a comparative perspective.


Job Crafting – eine Möglichkeit für Wohlbefinden und Leistungsfähigkeit Beschäftigter in Zeiten sozialer Distanzierung?

Lead Applicant: Dr. Jenny Sarah Wesche (Freie Universität Berlin)

Working from home due to infection control can lead to considerable impairment of well-being and performance: Accustomed work equipment, communication opportunities, and a separate workplace are not always available and, for example, lack of childcare, lack of social contacts and perceived threat by the pandemic can be additional stressors. In this project we will investigate whether and how employees can meet this challenge with proactive behavior and how leaders can (virtually) support their employees in doing so.

Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf elterliche Gesundheit, Erziehungsstress und häusliche Gewalt

Lead Applicant:  Dr. Sibylle Winter (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

The aim of the study is to assess parental health and stress during the corona pandemic and the relation with parenting behaviour and the incidence of domestic violence. An online survey of parents in the general population and a face-to-face survey of parents in risk groups on health, education and violence is planned, which will be repeated three times this year every 2 months and 12 months after the pandemic. In addition, the cases of the child abuse clinics will be recorded simultaneously for the first time in Germany and compared with the cases of the previous year and with the cases from youth welfare services and police statistics.