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Audre Lorde-Visiting Professorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies

Prof. Dr. Maisha M. Auma is the first Audre Lorde-Visiting Professor at the Berlin University Alliance's Diversity & Gender Equality Network (DiGENet).

The Diversity and Gender Equality Network (DiGENet) of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA)  has launched a Visiting Professorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies. The “Audre Lorde-Visiting Professorship for Intersectional Diversity Studies” is intended to shape Berlin as a research hub on a par with the reality of urban society. The educational scientist Prof. Dr. Maisha M. Auma will be the first researcher to accept the visiting professorship. In the public seminar series „Yallah Diversity“ she is seeking to enter into dialogue with Berlin stakeholders.

Press release at the start of the Visiting Professorship