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Effective, Efficient, Excellent

Leadership Development with the Berlin Leadership Academy of the Berlin University Alliance in Spring 2022

News from Mar 04, 2022

Optimal handling of complex governance structures, confident decision-making in challenging situations, or tapping personal strengths and resources for leadership work – this year, the Berlin Leadership Academy of the Berlin University Alliance is once again offering executives of the partner institutions a wide range of exciting further education programs on the topic of leadership. Registrations are still possible for the following offerings.

In the second year of its existence, the Berlin Leadership Academy has further developed its already proven ‘flagship’ programs and rolled them out a new. Each of these programs, which is based at one of the four partner institutions, is dedicated to a particular leadership challenge and is open to all executives within the alliance.

The program “Leadership for Excellence” („Exzellent führen – Exzellenz fördern“) teaches how to navigate complex management structures efficiently and, in a targeted manner, and how to successfully shape change processes. Program participants go through five workshops over the course of a year. In discussion events with leadership experts, they also have the opportunity to network with guests from the entire excellence alliance and to reflect together on leadership challenges.

The program “Effective and efficient decision making - lead confidently in challenging situations” („Effektiv und effizient entscheiden – souverän Führen in herausfordernden Situationen“) helps to improve the quality, speed, and sustainability of decision-making and thus to develop a confident approach to situations characterized by uncertainty and complexity. In addition to four half-day modules, participants receive input from experts from science and society.

In the program “Enhancing Leader and Follower Strengths” („Stärken stärken – Ressourcenorientierte Führung für Professor*innen“), academic methods are applied to help participants learn to identify their own strengths and to integrate them into their daily actions in the context of work and leadership.

In addition to the 'flagship' programs, the event program “Personalführung in der Wissenschaft (Leadership in Science)” offers professors from all partner institutions the opportunity to reflect on and enhance their leadership skills in individual, compact workshops. Finally, the Berlin Leadership Academy with its offerings provides access to exciting and thematically diverse further education programs offered by the partner institutions.

Further information can be found on the Berlin Leadership Academy website.

Central contact: berlin-leadership-academy@berlin-university-alliance.de 

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