Excellent for Berlin - Insights from Politics into the Topics of the Seven Clusters of Excellence: Berlin Senator for Science, Health and Care, Dr. Ina Czyborra visits the Berlin Clusters of Excellence
Dr. Ina Czyborra (f.r.), Berlin Senator for Science, Health and Care, visits the Berlin Clusters of Excellence. Copyright: Antonia Aalders / UniSysCat
They are the driving forces in the Berlin research landscape and stand for research at the highest level: In 2019, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin successfully applied for funding for seven Clusters of Excellence in the Excellence Strategy research competition. This puts Berlin at the forefront of the research hubs in Germany.
BUA invites Senator
The Clusters of Excellence not only strengthen top-level research in Berlin, but at the same time have an impact far beyond the boundaries of the universities. They are the nucleus for networks with cultural, political and social institutions and international partners, promote Berlin as a center of commerce and industry, seek exchange with urban society, and develop suitable communication services for this purpose. "The Clusters of Excellence in Berlin are the driving force for the integrated research environment in our city, and thus also for the Berlin University Alliance. The seven Clusters of Excellence are a great opportunity for Berlin's innovative capacity and future viability, as they actively devise approaches to solving the major challenges of our time," explains the BUA spokesperson and president of Technische Universität Berlin, Geraldine Rauch.
The fact that the Clusters of Excellence have a lot to offer in and for Berlin is currently confirmed first-hand by the Berlin Senator for Science, Health and Care, Dr. Ina Czyborra. At the invitation of the BUA management, she visits all seven Clusters, informs herself about their research content, and exchanges ideas with researchers about what has already been achieved, what plans there are for the future, and what is needed so that research in Berlin can remain excellent. "The seven Clusters of Excellence in Berlin live and breathe the active, transdisciplinary collaboration, which is why they are so important to the BUA. When I visit the BUA Clusters, I experience all of this: transdisciplinary collaboration, the search for solutions to the big problems we face today and in the future. The Clusters bring together people from a wide range of research disciplines and institutions who have not previously worked together. It is in their interaction, their interconnection, and at the interfaces that something utterly new is created." says Ina Czyborra.