Real Science, Real Talk: Wissenschaft zu Klima und Corona (Research on Climate and Corona)
Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker is professor for “Sustainable Mobility and Transdisciplinary Research Methods” at Technische Universität Berlin.
Image Credit: DKK
Berlin University Alliance taking part in a video series created by DKK
News from Oct 13, 2020
18 experts from the Deutsche Klima-Konsortium (DKK) (German Climate Consortium) reflect and shed light on their findings from climate research during the corona pandemic. Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker, head of the Department for Sustainable Mobility and Transdisciplinary Research Methods at Technische Universität Berlin, is also involved. Under the title “Corona schafft Platz fürs Fahrrad / Klima & Mobilität“ (Corona creates space for cycling / climate & mobility), Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker tackle the question of how corona has changed individual mobility behavior and how the different cities are responding to this development.
Reduced emissions, changed mobility, and political crisis management – the lockdown caused by the corona pandemic gave climate researchers the opportunity to collect and evaluate new data. 18 researchers from the member institutions of the DKK examined the significance of these changes for climate change and climate policy. In the new video series “Real Science, Real Talk – Wissenschaft zu Klima und Corona” (Research on Climate and Corona) they report on their observations and assessments.
Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker is professor for “Sustainable Mobility and Transdisciplinary Research Methods” at Technische Universität Berlin. She is the leader of the interdisciplinary Junior Research Group “The Transport Transition as a Socio-ecological Real-World-Experiment” (EXPERI). The EXPERI group is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and is a joint project of Technische Universität Berlin, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam (IASS), and the DLR Institute of Transport Research Berlin.
The Berlin University Alliance became a member of the DKK this year. Supported by outstanding researchers from the partner institutions and reflected by a particular interdisciplinary depth, for years research on climate change and its effects have been a crucial focus of the partner institutions – Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.