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The Physics of Water-Rich Asteroids

Dr. Wladimir Neumann,Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät VI - Planen Bauen Umwelt, Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik

This seminar is a continuation of the eponymous seminar offered in the summer term 2023. Its overall scientific topic are physical properties of water-rich asteroids, dwarf planets, and icy moons. Such bodies formed in the early solar system, serve as proxies for Earth´s building blocks, and are targets of multiple space missions. Numerical modeling is an established approach to exploring their properties. The topics of this research seminar comprise processes that can be simulated separately with relatively simple models (e.g., thermal convection, crater relaxation, magnetization of meteorites). You will implement models of such processes, perform stand-alone calculations, and derive and present your results. The course will combine lectures, modeling work in groups, discussions, presentations, and preparation of a paper draft. It is open to students with physical modeling and programming skills (C++, Python, or Matlab) and a background in physics of planetary bodies.
