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German as a Second Language and Language Education in the Learning School

Dr. Constanze Saunders, Humboldt University of Berlin, Central Institute, ZI: Professional School of Education (PSE)

In this group, you can engage in teaching development research in the field of German as a second language or language education within multiprofessional teams. You will have the opportunity to individually or collectively, along with the group leader and teachers, analyze linguistic challenges and solutions in selected cooperation schools, gaining a deeper understanding of the practice of collegial action research. The target audience consists of teacher education students from all subjects starting from the 5th semester (Bachelor, Master) who already have some practical experience (e.g., internships), have an interest in language learning, and are interested in research in schools. You should be able to work cooperatively in a team and independently carry out tasks. Openness to different perspectives and a willingness for self-reflection are necessary in this setting. Possible research approaches include open classroom observations, the analysis of teaching materials and learning texts, the analysis of interaction in the classroom, or interviews about the self-conception of teachers regarding linguistic diversity and language education. You can work in a transdisciplinary or interdisciplinary and multimethodological manner. - Research interests can be collaboratively communicated, developed, and negotiated within multiprofessional teams, based on respective needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the group leader by email (Constanze Saunders).
