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Conference: "Solidarity in the Migration Society"

Oct 09, 2023 - Oct 11, 2023

The three-day conference "Solidarity in the Migration Society" will explore the conditions of solidarity as well as its practical and infrastructural conditions of possibility or limitations in the fields of work and employment, housing and health. In a transdisciplinary collaboration with civil society partners in Berlin as a global ‘laboratory’ of the migration society, the Berlin University Alliance funded researc project "Transforming Solidarities" has identified several structural obstacles and areas of tension with respect to solidarity. Against this backdrop, the project participants invite you to discuss the entangled crises of the present about scalable alternatives: What infrastructures are needed for a society based on solidarity? In what ways do novel practices of solidarity and common good-oriented forms of coexistence, put into practice by social movements and actors, strengthen democracy 'from below'? What modes of translation exist between theories and processes of social change, between individual practices of solidarity 'on a small scale' and the overall social context?

The opening lecture of the conference "Solidarity in the Migration Society" will be given by political scientist Prof. Dr. Wendy Brown from Princeton University on October 9 at 6:30 pm. The lecture will take place at the Technical University of Berlin, Architecture Building, Lecture Hall A151, Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin. The venue for the rest of the conference program will then be the German Center for Architecture (DAZ), Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin-Mitte, 2nd courtyard, entrance H1.

Beyond the conference "Transforming Solidarities" which takes place at the Deutsche Architektur Zentrum (DAZ), the DAZ will also host the exhibition "Spaces of Solidarity" and the The "Kiosk of Solidarity". With the mobile booth, project participants from "Transforming Solidarities" invite people to talk about forms of engagement for a social city.

Time & Location

Oct 09, 2023 - Oct 11, 2023

Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin

Further Information

on the programme of the conference "Solidarity in the Migration Society": https://transformingsolidarities.net/de/news/konferenz-solidaritaet-in-der-migrationsgesellschaft/


Transforming Solidarities. Praktiken und Infrastrukturen in der Migrationsgesellschaft

Mail: contact@transformingsolidarities.net