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What should be urgently considered when submitting contributions?


A short abstract (max. 2,500 characters including spaces) must be submitted to present the conference contribution. The following notes provide more detailed information on what should be considered in this abstract.


The abstract should clearly state what the specific research question or topic is, why the question or topic is relevant, what the process or design of the research project was, what methodology was used, what results were obtained (or are expected), and what possible follow-up questions arise from the student research project.

It is important to note that the research does not have to be completed yet. Interim results are also welcome to be presented. The abstract is also not set in stone, i.e., if there are changes between now and the conference itself, that's fine.


Since the Berlin Conference for Student Research is multidisciplinary, the abstract should be comprehensible also for people from other disciplines.


The abstract can be a maximum of 2,500 characters long (including spaces). Literature references and citations are not necessary.


The abstract can be submitted in German or English.