E-Learning Course for Doctoral Researchers
‘Good Research Practice’
Integrity is a crucial precondition for research quality. Experience shows, however, that safeguarding against integrity breaches (like fabrication, plagiarism, or other forms of scientific misconduct) alone is not enough to ensure responsible research. It is equally important that researchers learn about standards of research integrity and reflect their own practice, ideally as early in their career as possible.
To enable such reflection, we are developing the E-Learning Module “Good Research Practice for Doctoral Researchers”. In roughly ten hours of videos, texts, and playful elements, participants can learn about:
recognizing and avoiding research misconduct as well as questionable research practices
prominent pitfalls in producing and using statistics
dealing with research data conflicts and management
different types of plagiarism
authorship practices and recommendations for publishing
dealing with conflicts in PhD supervision
The module is currently developed by Markus Edler, Viktor Scholz, and a group of experts and trainers in the field of good research practice. Stay tuned for more news, we plan the launch of the course in April 2025!