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How do I submit my invoices, receipts, and other documentation to the StuROPx team?


Format and title of the document to be submitted

  • Regardless of the content (e.g., invoice, guest lecture contract, travel grant), please submit documents in pdf format only.
  • Please name the pdf document, as follows:

    In the case of X-Student Research Groups:
    Groups_YOUR LAST NAME YOUR FIRST NAME_Invoice Content.
    e.g. Groups_MUSTERMANN MICHAEL_Invoice Print Brochure

    in case of X-Tutorials:
    e.g. Tuts_MUSTERFRAU MONIKA_Rechnung teaching materials

Upload the document to be submitted

  • IMPORTANT: Please never send the invoice or other documents directly to the central accouting office of Humboldt University, but always as a pdf to the StuROPx team.
  • Please make sure that everything is clearly legible. Receipts, for example, on which the individual items and amounts are not readable, cannot be checked. It can then not be guaranteed that the cash office will accept it.
  • Please do not submit the document by email, but electronically by uploading the document to our HU-Box using the following link:

    UPLOADS X-Student Research Groups:


    UPLOADS X-Tutorials:

  • You can find out exactly how the upload works in our How-to upload in StuROPx. Here you will also find further instructions on how the documents should be named, how and in which format they should be uploaded.