Critical Political Ecology and Technological Change
Sarah Hackfort, Miriam Boyer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
Join us to explore agriculture and bioeconomy through the lens of Critical Political Ecology, Political Economy and Science and Technology Studies (STS). This seminar introduces students to contemporary ways of examining sustainability, equality, and democratic participation in light of the current socio-ecological crisis. Students will participate in supervised individual/group research projects, using a proven didactic method to investigate topics of interest related to bioeconomy and agriculture. New seminar participants will gain hands-on experience, while returning students will deepen their theoretical and methodological skills. The seminar offers a unique chance to engage with researchers (guest lecturers) studying social-ecological transformations in high-tech capitalism. No prior specialized knowledge is required, only an interest in how theories can help understand environmental problems related to bioeconomy and agriculture and a willingness to sharpen research skills.
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